Terms of Service

Acceptance of Terms

VoAgents (“us”, “we”, or “our”) operateshttps://voagents.ai (hereinafter referred to as “Service”). The terms and conditions mentioned apply to access any Service of VoAgents. Kindly read this Agreement carefully. You agree to be tied to this Agreement by accessing our Service in any way. You agree that you have read and understood the Terms of Services in this Agreement. You may not access our Service if you disagree with its terms and conditions.

You agree that we can make changes to this Agreement anytime without any prior notice. We will update the changes on this page along with the date when the terms of service were revised. You can visit the “Terms of Use” page on the website at any time to view a current copy of this agreement.

You can visit https://voagents.ai/privacy to find out the terms and conditions of the company's privacy policy. These are hereby incorporated to manage your access to and use of our Service.

Termination of Agreement

The company has the right to limit, suspend, or terminate the agreement and discontinue all access you have to the website or content anytime without any prior notice.

Either party has the right to terminate the Agreement if the other party commits any material breach. Given that the breach is fixed by the relevant party within the given time.

Effects of Termination:

a.) each party has to return and make no continuous usage of data or material belonging to the other respective party;

b.) the Parties shall not be prejudiced or have any rights that have arisen up to the date of termination, including the entitlement to damages for any Service Order breach that occurred on or before the termination date;

c.) the company may not be entitled to return any charges paid by the Customers if there is no breach or damage caused in case of termination of Service order Parties may not be dismissed or eased of any claim of any sort against the other under the Service Order, regardless of any termination or suspension.

Fees and Payments

You may pay a fee to the Company for Services granted and liability to use the Company product granted to you by the Company under the Terms of Service. The Fees you pay to the Company are exclusive of any taxes and you shall be entitled to pay all the taxes under the Applicable Laws in addition to the Fees to use Company Services.

For the following reasons, the Company may suspend the Customer's access to the Services:

(i) late or non-payment of Fees;

(ii) Customer’s breach of clause (Acceptable Use of Services);

(iii) in case, suspension is essential for the Company to avoid or address any harm or incident to the customers. The Company shall inform the Customer of suspension and issues resulting in the suspension.


The information received via the Website is not entitled to be confidential and the information shall not be deemed to be confidential by the Company. You grant the Company the right to utilize any information or materials you send freely. This license is unrestricted and irreversible.

You also provide consent to the Company to use any concepts, ideas, or techniques you share with the Company for any purpose. However, it will not be entitled to be released or publicized under your name.